Common OpenSSL Commands
SSL Server Test
Certificate Decoder
Certificate and Key Matcher
OpenSSL CSR (& Private Key) Creator
Setup PGP
Why no Padlock
SecurityHeaders check
Set Cyphers in IIS
Bulk SSL site test
Imuniweb Compliance test
docker run --rm -it nablac0d3/sslyze --regular
Simple bash script to check expiry of long list of domains
# Input file with a list of domains
# Output file for storing the SSL certificate expiry dates
# Empty or create the output file if it doesn't exist
> $output_file
# Read the input file line by line (each line should contain one domain)
while IFS= read -r domain; do
# Check the SSL certificate expiry date for the given domain using gnutls-cli
expiry_date=$(echo | gnutls-cli --print-cert "$domain" 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -enddate -noout | cut -d= -f2)
# If there is an expiry date, convert it to a more readable format using gdate
if [ -n "$expiry_date" ]; then
formatted_expiry_date=$(gdate -d "$expiry_date" "+%Y-%m-%d")
echo "$domain: $formatted_expiry_date" >> $output_file
echo "$domain: Unable to fetch certificate expiry date" >> $output_file
done < "$input_file"
echo "SSL certificate expiry dates have been saved to $output_file"