Sucuri API

curl '' \
--data 'k=API_KEY' \
--data 's=API_SECRET' \
--data 'a=update_setting' \
Setting Description Values
new_internal_ip Adds a new item to the list of hosting addresses. You must also send the type (if alternate or backup) using a parameter named “new_internal_ip_type” and an additional flag to tell the API to process the HTTP request named “manage_internal_ip”. You can add a note to the address using the parameter “hosting_ip_notes”. Additional to the notes, you can also add a tag, which is a unique identifier for the region where the address is going to be used, you can do this via another parameter named “new_internal_ip_tag”. IPv4, IPv6, TLD
delete_internal_ip Deletes an item from the list of hosting addresses. true
pause_internal_ip Pauses an item from the list of hosting addresses. true
play_internal_ip Un-pauses an item from the list of hosting addresses. true
securitylevel Modifies the security level. high, paranoid
adminaccess Modifies the administration access mode. open, restricted
force_sec_headers Enables or disables the HTTP security headers. enabled, disabled
commentaccess Enables or disables the ability to leave comments. open, restricted
unfiltered_html Enables or disables the ability HTML filters. allow_unfilter, block_unfilter
block_php_upload Enables or disables the ability to upload files. allow_uploads, block_uploads
detect_adv_evasion Enables or disables the detection of advanced evasion. enabled, disabled
ids_monitoring Enables or disables the intrusion detection system. enabled, disabled
aggressive_bot_filter Enables or disables aggressive filters against robots. enabled, disabled
http_flood_protection Enables or disables the HTTP flood protection. js_filter, disabled
docache Modifies the cache mode for the website. docache, nocache, sitecache, nocacheatall
compression_mode Enables or disables the data compression. enabled, disabled
forwardquerystrings_mode Enables or disables the HTTP query strings forwarding. enabled, disabled
force_https Configures the HTTP protocol redirection. http, https, null
spdy_mode Enables or disables the HTTP2 support. enabled, disabled
max_upload_size Configures the maximum size for uploaded files in megabytes. 5m, 10m, 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m
behind_cdn Configures the CDN being used by the website. none, behind_akamai, behind_cloudflare, behind_maxcdn, behind_cdn
block_attacker_country Denies access to the top attacker countries via GeoIP. enabled, disabled
domain_alias Adds a new item to the list of domain aliases. TLD
remove_domain_alias[] Deletes an item from the list of domain aliases. []TLD
allowlist_dir Adds a new item to the list of allowed URLs. You must also send the pattern that will be used to match the URL, the parameter is named “allowlist_dir_pattern” and accepts these values: matches, begins_with, ends_with, equals. The API only accepts one URL and one pattern per request. URL
remove_allowlist_dir[] Deletes an item from the list of allowed URLs. []URL
blocklist_dir Adds a new item to the list of blocked URLs. You must also send the pattern that will be used to match the URL, the parameter is named “blocklist_dir_pattern” and accepts these values: matches, begins_with, ends_with, equals. The API only accepts one URL and one pattern per request. URL
remove_blocklist_dir[] Deletes an item from the list of blocked URLs. []URL
noncache_dir Adds a new item to the list of non-cacheable URLs. You must also send the pattern that will be used to match the URL, the parameter is named “noncache_dir_pattern” and accepts these values: matches, begins_with, ends_with, equals. The API only accepts one URL and one pattern per request. URL
remove_noncache_dir[] Deletes an item from the list of non-cacheable URLs. []URL
block_from_viewing[] Configures the countries that will be blocked from sending a GET request to the website. Notice that this option overrides the value of the setting, this means that you can not add individual countries to the list but the complete list of countries that will be blocked. You must send another parameter named “update_geo_blocking” with any value in order to force the API to process the request. US, CA, BR, etc
block_from_posting[] Configures the countries that will be blocked from sending a POST request to the website. Notice that this option overrides the value of the setting, this means that you can not add individual countries to the list but the complete list of countries that will be blocked. You must send another parameter named “update_geo_blocking” with any value in order to force the API to process the request. US, CA, BR, etc
block_useragent Adds a new item to the list of blocked user-agents. string
remove_block_useragent[] Deletes an item from the list of blocked user-agents. []string
block_referer Adds a new item to the list of blocked HTTP referers. string
remove_block_referer[] Deletes an item from the list of blocked HTTP referers. []string
block_cookie Adds a new item to the list of blocked browser cookies. string
remove_block_cookie[] Deletes an item from the list of blocked browser cookies. []string
ahttp_method Adds a new item to the list of allowed HTTP methods.
remove_ahttp_method[] Deletes an item from the list of allowed HTTP methods. []string
twofactorauth_path Adds a new item to the list of protected pages via 2Factor-Auth. You must also specify which protection will be applied to the page, the parameter is named “twofactorauth_type” and accepts these values: password, googleauth, captcha, ip. If you choose to protect the URL with “IP” the firewall will expect that the address is among the allowed IP addresses. The API only accepts one URL and one pattern per request. URL
item_twofactorauth_path Deletes an item from the list of protected pages. If you also include the parameter “twofactorauth_update_pwd” in the request, the API will not delete the URLs from the list, but instead will re-generate the keys. This applies to the URLs protected by a password or by Google Auth. []URL
origin_protocol_port Configures the port number for the connection. 80, 443

Cyber Recovery and Hygiene