We’ve seen some successful technical “reinventions” of the Web such as HTTPS/2 and HTML5 making sites faster and more responsive, but this “Web’s Creator Looks to Reinvent It” initiative is not new, but I will come to that later.
WordPress.com, the official hosted version of WordPress have switched over to enforcing SSL, while this is mostly a political statement, there is some merit, firstly you might actually have some forms which should be secure, allowing users to …
I don’t think kids are getting the message, allowing anything that you would not be comfortable for your mother to see, should never be allowed onto any digital device, from explicit text messages to embarrassing pictures, never, I don’t know …
VPN offer far more security than the proxy servers which most people are used to using, when using commercial paid for services proxy server accounts are normally much cheaper and simpler to set-up for the client which is their only …
In these very sad cases of malicious sharing of embarrassing images and video. In Canada, Rehtaeh’s law is being proposed and now in Israel revenge porn is punishable with 5 years imprisonment, “putting an end to virtual rape, in which …
The IETF announced that they are taking the lead on to “develop the technical specifications to improve the privacy and security of the Internet”. They are probably best placed to raise the profile in the IT community. Looking at the …